Open Call for Supporters of the

Telecommunications Forum

Telecommunications Society - Belgrade, "Telekom Srbija" a.d., PTT Communications "Srbija", School of Electrical Engineering – University in Belgrade, IEEE Communications Chapter and IEEE Section Serbia & Montenegro, organize

17th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009,
to be held in the Sava Center in Belgrade, Serbia,
from 24th to 26th November 2009.

Your Company is playing an important role and has the professional interest in the communications area. We invite you to be the SUPPORTER of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2009 and to take part in this year TELFOR’s activities. Any help or support is welcome, but the Organizers expect a support of:

Please contact us by email to or in writing to TELFOR address.

Within the TELFOR the Organizers will, when it is necessary and possible, ensure to the Supporting organizations the advantages with respect to other companies who are not Supporters. The Organizers will especially express their thanks to their Supporters in the written materials and actions in the preparation phase and within the course of TELFOR. TELFOR Supporters and Friends could for free present their products and activities by an A4 page space included to TELFOR CD Proceeding (page to be sent electronically before 5th Novembers 2008 - Main TELFOR Supporters could also include their Logo to (Supporters page), connected to their own Internet page.

The significance and influence of the Telecommunications Forum TELFOR among telecommunications’ professionals in Serbia and region is growing each year. TELFOR regularly has a high number of participants, both individuals and companies. Every previous TELFOR was attended by around 2000 registered individual participants from all telecommunications’ segments. Typically, between 200 and 300 thoroughly reviewed scientific and expert papers with 300-500 authors were presented every year and published in the TELFOR CD Proceedings, in English or Serbian languages. Several dozens of participating companies were in some way involved in the last 16 years, among which there were the greatest international telecommunications companies, together with their domestic partners, as well as over 50 other domestic and international organizations.

TELFOR is the annual meeting of those professionals working in the broad field of Telecommunications: mostly telecommunications engineers, but also the economists, jurists, managers, governmental officials, students, researchers, operators, service providers and others. In this way TELFOR is the forum in which all relevant aspects of Telecommunications are discussed: subjects of technical nature, development policy, regulatory and economics matters, education, equipment production, services and operation of systems.

The work of TELFOR is organized through plenary sessions with invited papers or lec tures, around thirty authors’ sessions from the defined program fields, undergraduate students’ sessions, special technical and development presentations of the leading international and domestic telecommunications companies and societies, seminars for young engineers and students, exhibition of the communications hardware, software, equipment, systems and services, commercial presentations of the companies and their products, thematic debates, panel discussions and round tables on current issues, social meetings and activities, etc.

New scientific publication
TELFOR Journal


Poster 2009
